Caring for a Bottle Baby Kitten

Caring for a Bottle Baby Kitten

It’s an awesome thing to care for an animal that’s so young, so tiny and helpless, it would not survive if left on its own even for a few hours. It can also be scary. What if I do something wrong? What if it dies? All of these thoughts will rush through...
My New Dog Keeps Urinating in the House! HELP!

My New Dog Keeps Urinating in the House! HELP!

This blog was inspired by someone who asked a question on a totally unrelated post called “Why is my New Cat Hiding From Me?” The person — who went by the screen name of “Concerned Pet Owner” — shared with the Humane Society of the Nature Coast...
Tips for Living with a Blind Dog

Tips for Living with a Blind Dog

Little Miss Sweet Pea Just like people, dogs can experience a loss of eyesight as they get older. While some dogs are born sightless or visually impaired, others may lose their vision due to cataracts, glaucoma, progressive retinal atrophy, or suddenly acquired...
Could You Be Her Miracle?

Could You Be Her Miracle?

Every day, the Humane Society of the Nature Coast (HSNC) receives 20 to 30 phone calls from people who want to surrender their pet and every day we make it our mission to find these frightened dogs and cats a new home where they will find the only thing that ever...
Pets as Gifts: Is it a Good Idea?

Pets as Gifts: Is it a Good Idea?

We’ve all seen the heartwarming Christmas commercials: A little girl or boy comes down the stairs on Christmas morning. They stop suddenly, a look of rapturous joy comes to their face. The camera pans to the puppy (or kitten), complete with a big red bow around their...
The coronavirus affects furry lives, too

The coronavirus affects furry lives, too

Because of COVID 19, a growing number of family pets are being surrendered to shelters or simply abandoned on the streets. While COVID 19 has rattled the lives of everyone on the planet, the coronavirus affects furry lives, too. As some people are reaching the end of...
The Horrifying Truth About Declawing Your Cat

The Horrifying Truth About Declawing Your Cat

Imagine going to a salon and asking to have your nails trimmed, and they take out a large pair of clippers and cut your nail off at the knuckle. This is the horrifying truth about declawing your cat. As described by Cats International, “the term ‘declawing’ makes...
“Ellie Dolittle” Talks to the Animals

“Ellie Dolittle” Talks to the Animals

Meet Elisa Diaz. Ellie, to those who know her. Dr. Dolittle, if you ask her personally. “Ellie Dolittle” talks to the animals. But, more on that later. Meet Elisa Diaz, or Ellie, to those who know her. Ellie was born in Miami, Florida. Because her dad was...